Hi, hello and welcome to this site I created about the town I live in, Stockton . I am not from here , originally from just outside Liverpool . I joined the RAF for 15 years , moving around until eventually settling in Lincoln . I met my now wife and eventually moved to Stockton in Jan 2012 .
I live in Hardwick now with my newly acquired family and enjoying it very much . I decided to make this site to promote my wifes place of work and our community centre . A website about Hardwick wouldnt amount to many pages so I decided to just expand it to the town as a whole .
I concentrated on Hardwick first and all else will follow ( when I get the time ).
Any submissions you have are welcome .
Any Blog articles about ANYTHING STOCKTON related are welcome as long as they are in the boundaries of good taste . Just email me at the CONTACT US page .
I live in Hardwick now with my newly acquired family and enjoying it very much . I decided to make this site to promote my wifes place of work and our community centre . A website about Hardwick wouldnt amount to many pages so I decided to just expand it to the town as a whole .
I concentrated on Hardwick first and all else will follow ( when I get the time ).
Any submissions you have are welcome .
Any Blog articles about ANYTHING STOCKTON related are welcome as long as they are in the boundaries of good taste . Just email me at the CONTACT US page .